One More Cup

Daily Archives: January 21, 2014

The next coffee shop that we’d like to recommend all of you is Clever Cafe by PunRuk. This coffee shop is opposite the Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences building.



Let’s look around the coffee shop. It’s decorated in cute and relaxed style.

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There are various menus in this coffee shop.


Not only coffee but also milk, chocolate and green tea


Also, there are some cookies.













Today we want you to try a new one “Americano”. It is a black coffee with bitter taste. Americano is very suitable for people who love strong coffee. If your day seems boring, you can order this menu to make you feel fresh. I can guarantee it will make your day!



Clever Cafe by PunRuk is a small coffee shop, but it has great atmosphere. The shop is cute and relaxed. The price of each menu is inexpensive. It starts at 25 baht, and it’s not cost more than 50 baht. The taste of coffee is great. Americano is a good choice. However, it might not suitable to sit for long period because there are not many tables. Moreover, the table are outside the shop, so it might be hot in the afternoon. Therefore, we rate this coffee shop 4 stars.

Enjoy your day!
