One More Cup

Monthly Archives: December 2013

Hi! guys ^______^

Today, we would like to suggest you an interesting blog that will guide you to many wonderful places in Chonburi.

Just click on this link

I’m pretty sure that this blog will help u to make a decision easier.

I wish some of them could be your choice in any holidays. 


I hope u like it. Enjoy your day!

I’m sure that most of you guys have ever seen many kinds of latte art. However, I would like to recommend you a cute latte art. 

Let’s check out the videos below!

A Little BEE


A Line Sticker “MOON” 

And the last one






“A Beautiful Christmas Tree”

What do you guys think about these latte art? Which one is the cutest?


Source :


This is Sri Muang Coffee Shop.



There are many menus for you to choose.

Let’s order something. I’ll choose my favourite one that is Latte!




TADAH! My latte looks tasty, isn’t it ?




 This is not enough, let’s look for something sweet.







I’m ready to eat now. ^____^

Guys, look at the seats! It’s very romantic.



For the review, the staffs here are very nice, and the coffee is very fantastic. I always go there to have a drink. The latte is exactly what I love. It’s bitter, but not too much. If you drink it with cookies, it’s damn tasty. Also, there are many comfortable seats and couches available.The atmosphere there makes you feel like having a coffee at home. Moreover, they provide customer some biscuits to go with the coffee, and books&magazines are provided on the shelf. Importanly, it’s not very expensive, it’s about 50 baht at the most.



If you want more information, you can follow Sri Muang Coffee Shop on,
or you can visit this coffee shop by following the map below.



I hope you like it.

Enjoy your day with a cutie coffee shop. I promise you will love it.

see you next time ^___^